10 best places for Iceland wedding shots

Seljalandsfoss Waterfall

Not only can you walk behind the waterfall, but the way the sun shines through the water creates a magical effect that’s perfect for a fairytale wedding shoot.

Reynisfjara Black Sand Beach

This beach is not only beautiful, but it’s also steeped in Icelandic folklore. Legend has it that the basalt columns were created when trolls tried to drag a ship to shore.

Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon

You can take a boat tour among the icebergs for an unforgettable experience, or even add a touch of adventure by taking your wedding photos on a kayak!

Thingvellir National Park

This park is not only home to amazing geological formations, but it’s also historically significant as the site where the world’s first parliament was established in 930 AD.

Kirkjufell Mountain

The shape of this mountain is so unique that it’s often called the “most photographed mountain in Iceland”. The surrounding landscape also provides plenty of photo opportunities, from waterfalls to lava fields.

Sólheimasandur Plane Wreck

The abandoned plane has been on the beach since 1973, and it’s become an unexpected and haunting attraction. It’s a great spot for couples who want something unique and unexpected in their wedding photos.

Skógafoss Waterfall

You can climb the stairs to the top of the waterfall for a bird’s-eye view, or even stand behind the waterfall for some epic shots with the water cascading around you.

Vatnajökull Glacier

This glacier is so large that it covers 8% of Iceland’s land area! If you’re feeling particularly adventurous, you could even take your wedding photos on the glacier itself.

Diamond Beach

The name of this beach comes from the sparkling icebergs that wash up on the shore, creating a stunning contrast with the black sand. You could even have a photo shoot at sunset when the light is just right.

Hvitárvatn Lake

This lake is surrounded by mountains and volcanic landscapes, providing a serene and picturesque location for your wedding photos. You could even take a canoe out onto the lake for some more unique shots.

Featured: Wedding Day Match

They asked, we answered, haha :-D

Wedding Day Match magazine asked us a few questions about the wedding shoot. The things we think are the most important, the shots that should definitely not be missed. In the beginning, it looked like we were going to create some sort of “list” that if you don’t shoot, it’s a big mistake. It’s just the opposite, so do what you want at the wedding and let your family be there to film it together. Headlines might be “emotions, family, party, get Perky Pug Films there as soon as possible and freedom”. 

 You can find the article here, enjoy!

Featured on: Together Journal Issue 29

Although it seems like nothing has been happening for a while (we see this a lot on everyone’s creative blogs :D), we’ve finished the 2022 season (with an amazing Christmas wedding in London at the end - thanks to Olivia and Josh for inviting us to such a great event) and are getting everything ready for 2023. 

 If you’re planning a wedding in Bali or Hawaii, of course let us know :D we’d love to warm up a bit already. And as a little Christmas present we have a sneak peek from Grace & Matt wedding, published in Together Journal (Issue 29). We’re adding some previews and you definitely try to get some printed ones!

Have a wonderful 2023!

photography @imogenxiana​​​​​​​​
florist @marthaandthemeadow​​​​​​​​
caterer @victoriablashfordsnell​​​​​​​​
videographer @PerkyPugFilms​​​​​​​​
string quartet #CascadaStrings​​​​​​​​
muah @amazing_facedorset​​​​​​​​
cake: Sugar and Salt

featured on: togetherjournal.com

Grace & Matt, St Giles House

It happens to us often that we experience something unexpected with people and places… and that is the case of Grace and Matt wedding at St Giles House. Just… wow. When we go to a wedding, we never know in advance what the unexpected will be. What will happen? Everytime it’s a surprise.  In June 2022, we headed to the county of Dorset for St Giles House. We were there for 3 days, shot hours of footage with Super8 included (a lot of color and black and white film too) and it was great. 

 St Giles House is etched in our memories and we already know we are going there again next year for another wedding. Actually, you could just say “check out the video” but it’s so much more. Give a bride a Super8 camera and you will see… We think it was a great success (sometimes we have to give ourselves a pat on the back). So many great things happened at this wedding… 

We also met some amazing vendors:

photography @imogenxiana​​​​​​​​
florist @marthaandthemeadow​​​​​​​​
caterer @victoriablashfordsnell​​​​​​​​
videographer @PerkyPugFilms​​​​​​​​
string quartet #CascadaStrings​​​​​​​​
muah @amazing_facedorset​​​​​​​​
cake: Sugar and Salt

Tips for wedding shooting (CZE)

Photography is fun, don’t be afraid of it. After all, it’s one of the most relaxing things about a wedding! In fact, it might be the first time since the morning that you have some quiet time to yourself to talk, relax and absorb all the emotions. Don’t think of it as extra stress, but more like a light walk outside. Of course, we’ll advise you all in person as well, but we’ve decided to write most things down so you can read everything ahead of time. There are years and years of experience involved, maybe something will come in handy!

For our czech speaking friends (or friends with Deepl or Google Translate) we’ve added a few tips to our friend’s article Vita Malina. You can find tips and the article here: https://malinaphoto.cz/blog/uplne-nejvic-nejlepsi-svatebni-tipy

Grace & Matt, St Giles House wedding film

First preview of what we created for Grace and Matt at St Giles House in the south of England. Super8 wedding film, sweet, chic, groovy… – as we like it. How beautiful it was!

Venue: St Giles House 

photography @imogenxiana​​​​​​​​
florist @marthaandthemeadow​​​​​​​​
caterer @victoriablashfordsnell​​​​​​​​
videographer @PerkyPugFilms​​​​​​​​
string Quartet #CascadaStrings​​​​​​​​
hair & Make Up @amazing_facedorset​​​​​​​​
cake: Sugar and Salt

Wedding at barn Kalhov, Kachenka and Vojta, Super8 wedding film

And we have another Super8-only wedding movie, this time for our friends Kachenka and Vojta. Two Kodak 50D colour films, the band Gipsy, a beautiful day, dancing and lots of drinks… that’s what we like. Another wedding where a memory in the form of a film captures just a fragment of everything we experienced there. Thank you so much for inviting us.

muah: @veronikamykolenko dress: @mariemukarovskadress venue: @farmakalhov

Veronika & Vita, Super8 wedding film!

One of the best parties we’ve been to! A wedding on a football field, bartenders from our favorite Aircafé, DJ Cliché behind the DJ desk… we danced till dawn, it started to rain like crazy, we had water up to our ankles and kept dancing anyway. Cliché played on demand directly for Perky Pug Films, well just perfect! And the best part at the end: we shot the entire wedding on analog Super8 (Kodak 50D) film only.

photographer: @kryspinphoto DJ: @dj_cliché drinks: @air.cafe coffee: @fcilespressobar catering: @restauracekonicek dress: @gabrielastulirova_atelier mua: @martina_styling

5 best wedding tips ever

Make it yours and yours alone 

We’ve seen it and we’ve experienced it: a couple thinks of a great thing, has great ideas, starts getting everything ready… and then the others come in with their opinion of what something should look like. That’s also why we shot in Iceland and Bali, our couples just ran away. You’ve thought of a casino wedding, go for it. 

You want to go to the beach, go to the beach. Donuts? Hamburgers? Streetfood? 

Whatever you want, just do it.

Sometimes you can tell from the video: the craziest and most content couples are usually the ones that just went and did all the ideas they came up with.

Experiences, not things

The internet can probably show you plenty of inspiration on what to do and how to make everything look perfect. Mostly, though, it’s advertising editorial and inspiration for what you should buy. So think more about what you want to experience with whom, the decor and things around it are just underlining the most important thing: you and your family and friends. Enjoy your wedding, dance, drink and dance again. We don’t script weddings, we 100% respect everything you come up with (and always have a great time) and quite often the best things are things that aren’t planned too far in advance anyway. 

Wedding video as a memory

Quite a specific tip. Wedding video - consider it carefully. It’s a great thing when videographers film experiences. Don’t let them film the stuff, the dress, the shoes and the decorations. Time flies at a wedding and in a video, and it just comes in handy to have footage of memories of people and “what it was like”. The feeling of the wedding day just has to jump out at you as soon as you press play. That’s what we’re always trying to do. It just depends on what really happens. Don’t try for epic shots or editorial shots of the two of you on the cliff when the wedding is in town. Most of the time it’s a 3 hour drive for a few shots and your guests are waiting for you in the meantime. A wedding should be a celebration, not a commercial. And most importantly: it’s not even a little bit timeless, there will be completely different trends a year from now that we should all follow. But we won’t, haha.

Don’t sweat the small stuff 

At the end of the day, no one will remember the color of the wedding, what flowers were on the table and will not remember the wedding planning. All that matters is if everyone had a good time. And everyone will remember that forever. All the guests will do what you do: dance and they will dance. Sit at the bar and everyone will sit and drink with you and it will be a lovely conversational evening. There’s no manual on what to do, just do what you want.

And finally: drinks, drinks, drinks

Provide refreshments for everyone. Guests are arriving, they will be waiting for you, don’t leave anyone high and dry. It’s great to come up with something original, but it doesn’t matter that much. But a bar with a bartender and a bride and groom’s drink for a summer garden party is a pretty good idea.

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